Inspire by nature

Makadela provides vegan and animal cruelty free candles and products for the eco-conscious lovers. Sustainability and ethical sourcing are in the heart of all our products taking special pride in our toxic-free candle that are 100% hand made. Our love for the earth and all things natural, our quest for a more meaningful life, and our desire to bring up our young children in the healthiest households possible. All started with making our own candles that don't harm anyone. 

Some products are made to order please keep in mind it will take about a week and a half to set before shipping thanks!!!

Why we use non-toxic ingredients

  • Heavy Metal Poisoning

    A lot of scented candles have cored wicks in which the wicks are wrapped with metal supports to keep them from going limp. In the past, lead was the leading material used by manufacturers of candles with cored wicks. But back in 2003 the production of candles with lead in their cored wicks were banned due to heavy metal poisoning risk.

    If you think that the use of candles with cored wicks is safer these days, think again. According to experts, cored wicks containing zinc and tin could still release traces of heavy metals into the air.

  • Respiratory Issues

    Cheap scented candles are out of paraffin wax, a material out of petroleum. According to scientists, paraffin wax releases what’s known as volatile organic compounds of VOCs into the air as they burn. The problem with VOCs is they’re very toxic as they contain poisonous chemicals such as toluene and benzene.

    What’s more, experts say that paraffin wax releases soot particles that are very much comparable to diesel exhaust. These soot particles could remain suspended in the air for a long time, and then end up in the lungs and cause respiratory problems. And by the way, studies say that the amount soot particles emitted by scented candles out of paraffin wax is greater than their unscented counterparts.

  • Cancer

    Scented candles are loved by many because of their pleasing aromas. Unfortunately, those that carry very cheap price tags do not really contain essential oils. Instead, what they have are artificial fragrances blended with one another in order to create the aromas of some of the most loved essential oils out there.

    While they may smell good, the problem with candles containing artificial fragrances is that they may increase cancer risk. Aside from cancer, they’re also known to cause headaches, dizziness, nausea and asthma attacks in some individuals.

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